All PPAF memberships are on a calendar year cycle and due for renewal January 1st of each year.
Member Company |
Member Company |
Multi-Line Supplier
Member Company |
Business Services
Member Company |
Yearly Dues:
1-15 Sales People: $100
16+ Sales People: $150
A company whose primary business includes developing ideas for the use of promotional products, buying such products from suppliers and reselling them to end buyers.
Yearly Dues: $125
A company that manufactures, converts, warehouses or decorates promotional products for sale to promotional products distributors or to a firm maintaining a division or affiliate devoted to reselling promotional products.
Yearly Dues: $125
A company or person that represents a group of supplier companies and markets to promtional products distributors or to firms maintaining a division or affiliate devoted to reselling promotional products.
Yearly Dues: $125
A company that sells services, information or products (other than promotional products) that support the normal conduct of business